Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We are having a......

GIRL!!!!! My sonnogram was today and we got a VERY clear shot that it's a girl!! Travis was able to take some time off class so he got to actually see her and hear the heart beat for the first time! All the organs are looking very healthy and she is measuring perfectly for how far along I am....which is 19 weeks! We are soooo excited and can't wait to start buying stuff to finally fill our empty spare room!! She has also been turning into quite the little must come from her soccer playing daddy. I've been starting to be able to tell the difference between a kick or if it's just her rolling around and it's so much fun! I can't wait for Travis to actually be able to feel her! This is her looking up at the camera with her hands up by her face on both sides. I love her little alien looking eyes!

Side view of her cute little face. :)
This one kind of uploaded blurry and you can't really see the writing but it's the picture showing that she's a girl.
Last but not least here is my baby bump at 19 weeks for all of you that have been asking for a picture. Sorry it's so awkward but I had to take it myself and I didn't want my face in it...I'll have to have Travis take a better one sometime.


valerie said...

Congratulations. I am so happy for you!

Michaelangelo said...

Congratulations! It's SO exciting when you finally find out! Makes it SO real, doesn't it? Have fun getting ready with PINK things :)
And I'm jealous of your baby bump... mine is more like a basketball right now!

Karen said...

A girl will be so fun! How exciting for you guys. Congrats! Love your baby bump!

Melissa Barnum said...

Im so excited for you! You and Travis called it! It will be so fun when we get all of our girls together!

Sorensen's said...

Congrats! You are so tiny and cute prego lady!

Melissa said...

I'm so excited that you're going to be a mommy! Congrats!!