Friday, January 28, 2011

Slowly getting there.....

To stay on my moms good side I had to put another prego picture up! 34 1/2 weeks down 5 1/2 more to go!! Please notice my favorite part of the whole picture is that I am wearing capri's in January because it was almost 80 degrees today!!!
My doctor had me get another sonogram this week. I have measured a week behind for a couple months but it stayed consistent so he didn't worry. But then I didn't grow any from my appointment on January 3 to my appointment on January 21 so that put me 3 weeks behind so he wanted me to get the sonogram done to make sure the baby is still growing properly. I got the sonogram done this past Wednesday (34 weeks along) and my stomach measured at about 31 1/2 weeks but the baby measured at 36 weeks!!!! The sonographer told me that I'm an oxy moron and that my stomach is pretty much 4 1/2 weeks to small for my baby...that explains why I can feel every little thing I guess!! He said my doctor might be moving my due date up because of the size of the baby. She is already around 6 lbs according to the sonographer!! I meet with my doctor on Monday and he'll give me the rest of the results...keeping my fingers crossed that I might get lucky and have her early!!